Call For Tutorials

ASEC includes tutorial sessions which are 2 hours 15 minutes in length. The format of a ‘tutorial’ can cover a range of options: from a ‘set of instructions to complete a task’ to ‘an interactive problem-solving workshop’. A typical ASEC tutorial attracts between ten and thirty delegates who are interested in trying something new or perhaps finding a different perception on something already familiar to them (and maybe looking for a break from back-to-back sessions!).

Call For Tutorials #1
Call For Tutorials #2

INCOSE UK is looking for tutorial options which will be selected from the proposals received. Proposers are welcome to submit more than one proposal, but each proposal must be self-contained so that it can be assessed independently. It is vital that the tutorial style is explicitly expressed so that delegates clearly understand whether they will be expected to plaster flip charts with Post-it Notes or simply sit and listen.

Successful Tutorial submissions will be awarded a single one-day pass for ASEC 2023. Tutorial Presenters will be asked to provide a description of their activity for publication in the event brochure.

If you are interested in submitting, please contact

For more Information about the Call For Tutorials please click below.

More information about the Call For Tutorials

Call For Tutorials - Key Dates

15th February 2023: The Call for Tutorials is issued.

27th March 2023: Submission of abstracts - abstracts should be between 250 and 300 words out-lining your tutorial topic and main points. A shortlist of tutorials will be selected based on the abstracts received. Please remember to assess your proposal against the criteria in the review pro-cess guidelines.

w/c 10th April 2023: Acceptance of abstracts - Abstracts that INCOSE UK deemed to be the best of the submissions will be notified, and asked to submit a full tutorial proposal.

8th May 2023: Submission of full tutorial proposals.

w/c 22nd May 2023: Final conference tutors will be selected and notified.

16th June 2023: Submission of words advertising tutorials to the INCOSE UK Secretariat (these will be included in the ASEC 2023 promotional material).

27th October 2023: Finalisation of tutorial room set up and equipment required will be confirmed by this date.